Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Make That House a Home- Part Two.. Creating The Right Design. Not the Left

Make That House a Home- Part Two..
Creating The Right Design. Not the Left

Create a well designed and fully functional Office/Dining area

Here is the before picture of the office

When you live and work in a Triangle shaped house, you have to learn to adapt to not only the limited space but the actual shape.

Most of the furniture must sit against the walls to maximize the walking room. I know exactly what you're thinking... How can you make this type of house functional for a household and a small business? Well, it's always a challenge and you know how I "LOVE" a challenge.

The office used to be to the left when you walk in the front door. I have since moved it to the right side.  I refinished a longer, thinner tabletop and added some table legs made from two different sets of legs. I then set the table with two lamps instead of one.

I added a bookshelf to pull everything together. Remember that this functions not only as a desk, but as a dining table as well. Since I had to limit the items for the desk, I used a separate rolling cart for the printer and all of the baskets for paper and files.

I used a storage bench for the seating and a padded footstool under the desk for extra seating. The bookshelf has a set of doors at the bottom for those items that don't necessarily need to be seen everyday.

All in all, I believe this to be not only a functional design, but a charming one as well.

As Always, Thank you for reading my Blog! 

Have fun with your design ideas and enjoy making "Your" house a home.

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